Sustainable Community Action
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Friends of Nature is a Chinese environmental NGO, formally registered in March 1994 as the Academy for Green Culture, an affiliate to the non-governmental Academy for Chinese Culture. FON is a nonprofit, public welfare organization funded by membership fees and public support.[1]

Our mission is to promote environmental protection and sustainable development in China by raising environmental awareness and initiating a `green culture` among the public. Our objectives are to develop informal environmental education, such as field trips and vacation camps for students, lectures, seminars and training classes for teachers, publications and activities for the general public.

What we are doing:

  • Environment education

Friends of Nature has made environmental education its main aim. Since 1999, in order to promote environmental education, it has launched the `Environmental Education Van Program` as well as an action to further environmental awareness among secondary school students in rural areas

  • Help to save tibetan antelope

The Tibetan antelope is found almost exclusively in western China, living at height of over 4,500 meters. In 1979, it was included on the list of species for which trade is strictly forbidden under CITES, but despite this international ban,shahtoosh [the name given to the fur taken from the neck of the Tibetan antelope] became very fashionable in the mid-1980s, and the international market has thrived since. All the fur for shahtoosh is taken from the bodies of Tibetan antelopes poached in China. Because of this, the numbers of Tibetan antelope are falling drastically

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  1., accessed 13 1 2012