Sustainable Community Action

Hungary, is a landlocked country in the Carpathian Basin of Central Europe, bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. Its capital is Budapest.

Places, projects and networks[]

Global News 2009[]

  • Hungary: The Invisible Marsh, January 26th, 2010 [1] Marietta Le reports on the story of one of Hungary's most successful citizen campaigns, whose goal is to save an endangered marsh by preventing an allegedly illegal expansion of a shopping center.

Topic links[]

The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or the category listing to see a full list of topics.


Transition towns

Wanted pages and external links

  • Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for Future Generations, on, posted by Kaihsu Tai on February 26th, 2010

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  1. Global Voices Online, January 26th, 2010