Sustainable Community Action

Sub-section 3: Community Safety[]

Source 2005-08 T&MBC Crime & Disorder 2004 Audit and 2005-08 Strategy

Q 9. Crime

a.What are the crime rates for the locality?

b.How do incidences of crime compare with regional and national rates?

c.Are incidences higher for specific types of crime (for example, shop theft, burglaries, personal assault, criminal damage, car theft, and theft from vehicles)?

d.Does geographical location play a part in this?

e.How will future policing strategies address these problems?



a.Higher incidence within T&MBC of Criminal damage; Theft offences; and Violence against the Person

b.East Malling is one of 4 wards in T&MBC reported as having relatively high levels of specific types of crime

c.The CDRP may feel that it is appropriate to have these areas as particular focus areas in the next strategy.

There have been 3 instances of theft/deception against elderly people by cold callers posing as utility workers or offering services in recent years. A ban on cold calling has been proposed but the Borough is waiting to trial this in Tonbridge itself before approving it for the MAP area.

There have also been some isolated problems with disturbances outside pubs – however in general the area enjoys peaceful “al fresco” social activities. A recent proposal by the Borough to designate West Malling as an Alcohol Control Zone could indicate to visitors that this is an area with drunkenness problems (as in other areas where it has been implemented) and put them off.

Q 10. Fear of crime

a.Is the fear of crime significantly worse than actual crime rates?

b.If yes, what factors are contributing to these fears?

T&MBC and the MAP Area is compared to National and Kent statistics a low crime area, but:-

  • T&MBC Crime & Disorder Partnership is conscious that very often the public’s perception of the level of crime and disorder in the Borough is not borne out in reality and crime levels are much lower than believed. The perception is often influenced by media reports and stories from other areas of the country
  • Anti-Social Behaviour is an issue which affects many residents and continues to be of concern. It also contributes to the public’s fear of crime.

Q 11. Which areas show visible evidence of vandalism, unlit streets, litter or graffiti?

(Worksheets EN1; EN2; EN3; EC7 Q10,17,18 also refer to environmental quality)

Few areas within West Malling itself have excessive vandalism, litter or graffiti – where they do occur they are dealt with (PCSO) on a case by case basis.

Similar situation exists in most of MAP Hinterland

Q 12. Crime prevention measures

a.Where crime prevention measures are in place?

b.Which other areas would benefit from the introduction of crime prevention measures?

Measures may include CCTV, street lighting, more police officers, community policing and Neighbourhood Watch.

2005-08 T&MBC CDRP Strategy

a.In Place

  • Existing heavy investment in Fixed & Mobile CCTV
  • Local Community involvement via Neighbourhood watch

b.Further Deployment and priority of Anti Social Behaviour

  • Funding of 9 more Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) and 8 Community Wardens
  • Use of CCTV and Automatic Number Plate Readers (ANPR)
  • Addressing involvement of young people as both offenders & Victims E.G. Borough Youth Forum
  • Increasing engagement of Wider Community: Neighbourhood watch etc.

Q 13. What is the level of local police presence (for example, police stations/mobile stations/local or community police officers/community support)?

Police office in West Malling supported by the Mallings Neighbourhood policing team - 4 PCs and 7 PCSOs

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