Sustainable Community Action
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Sustainable Civilization

From the Grass Roots Up

Introduction - 2 - 3

I. Your Homestead And Essential Life Support - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

II. Physical Sustainability Factors and Limitations - 2

III. Neighborhoods and the Web of Life - 2

IV. Sustainability Principles or Guidelines - 2

V. Ecovillage, Sustainable Civilization Minimum planning for continued organized society.

VI. Sustainability Programs, Politics, and Technology - 2 - 3

VII. The City As Ecology - 2

VIII. Sustainability Laws.

IX. Global Civilization.

X. Future.


A. Appropriate Technology - 2 - 3

B. Mess Micro Environment Subsistence System

C. Factoids - 2

D. Medicine Bag - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

E. Estate Planning - Providing for Future Generations - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8

F. Bibliography

G. Biography

H. Sustainable Tucson - Tucson, Arizona Ecocity analysis

I. South Tucson – Ecovillage analysis

J. Oak Flower – Neighborhood analysis

K. Our Family Urban Homestead Plan

L. Our Plant Selections

Sustainable Tucson Main page.

Tucson General information on our city to be considered in achiving sustainability.

Sustainable Tucson Index Index of pages for Sustainable Tucson.

Sustainable Tucson Notespage If you are not sure where to add your input, please put your notes here.

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Sustainable Tucson -

In 2006 the City of Tucson was ranked overall number 20 of 50 U.S. cities by the organization SustainLane on quality of life and economic factors that affect your personal sustainability The complete study is available online at

A "Sustainable" community is one in which the population and renewable resources necessary for their continued comfortable lifestyle are in balance. For most of the world, this is not the case today. Oil powers our infrastructure, and like other fossil fuels, is a finite resource. While there will always be oil in the Earth, eventually it will be so difficult to obtain that it will be impossible to pump at the rate of demand. Prior to that point, we need to have re-think and re-engineer our communities to eliminate our dependence.

Transition to an entirely renewable sustainable energy resource economy will require intelligent foresight. The world faces "sustainability" challenges, but while Tucson is Tucson is a "natural" for development into a solar community, and home for numerous individuals, formal and informal organizations working toward a long-term Sustainable Tucson, there is of course a long way to go.

The online listserv for Sustainable Tucson communications is available at the yahoo egroup located at:

Feel free to add your thoughts to our discussion and grass roots movement.

Sustainable Civilization: From the Grass Roots Up. An introduction to sample problems, and initial thoughts about solutions.

Sustainable Tucson Notespage If you are not sure where to add your input, please put your notes here.

Sustainable Tucson Index Index of pages for Sustainable Tucson.

Tucson General information on our city.

Related topics[]

External links
